Connection - An app that aims to alleviate loneliness within the homeless community.
There are four types of homelessness:
1. Rough sleeping
2. Statutory Homelessness - households who seek housing support from local authorities on grounds of being currently or imminently without accommodation
3. Hidden Homelessness - people who are considered homeless but whose situation is not ‘visible’ either on the streets or in official statistics.
4. At risk of homelessness
Causes of Homelessness
Some of the social causes of homelessness include the lack of affordable housing, poverty + unemployment. Coming out of prison and having to rebuild your life, a similar situation happened with women who are escaping domestic violence.
Problem Statement:
People who have just been released from care/prison/hospital etc, need a way to ensure successful local community integration to reduce the risk of becoming homeless.
What role do I play in this project?
Product Designer
My Design Process
Competitor Analysis
User Research - DISCOVER
Due to the length of this project I decided to use secondary research as I found reports done by Crisis which aligned with the topic I wanted to investigate further, which was the link between Loneliness and Homelessness.
The report contained qualitative data which included direct quotes from homeless people as well as quantative data from the research and surveys gathered by Crisis.
Crisis - ‘I was all alone’ report - Survey findings
Identifying Themes - DEFINE
From my research I picked up on the theme of loneliness being something the homeless and even those at risk of homelessness battle with. The way in which they would like to communicate with others was often not the best with those who where not homeless .
Key Findings - DEFINE
Based on my key findings from my secondary research I prioritised reoccurring themes into order of what may be most impactful for those who are struggling to build social connections whilst homeless.
Crazy Eights (Low Fid Wireframes) - DEVELOP
I focused my crazy eights on the homepage to test how I could include most of the app features on the home screen for easy navigation and test out different creative idea.
Mid Fidelity Wireframes - DEVELOP
High Fidelity Wireframes - DELIVER
Prototype - DELIVER
Design Systems - DELIVER
Looking back on this project if I had more time I would have focused more on the communication element rather than include loads of different features within the app. Streamlining the offering would provide for a sleeker experience and more in depth product development could be done exploring the communication element.
Due to the short project length it was easier for me to conduct secondary research, I would have liked to have carry out Primary Research to make sure the objectives of the app meet direct user needs.
I would also collaborate with the software developer and carry out A/B testing to further make sure the app is functional for the user.